During the first part of the autumn term, we will be immersed in writing a twist on a traditional tale. The stimuli we will use for this is an alternative version of Hansel and Gretel. This will then be followed by a non-fiction unit looking at great explorers, some of which might have a link to South America. The children will consider what they would do and where they would go if they were an explorer! During class reading time, we will read:
Jaguar Stones!
Religious Education
Our opening unit asks the question - 'How do we earn love?' This will allow the class to explore the meaning of unconditional love. Following on from this we will look at 'What is commitment in life?' This will give the children the opportunity to consider where they belong and in what are they investing their time.
During the first part of the autumn term we will ensure a solid understanding of place value with numbers to ten million. Children will need to be able to compare and order any number as well as round to 10, 100 and 1,000. We will also explore negative numbers. Our next focus will be to ensure that use of the four operations is accurate and efficient, followed by investigations into common factors, multiples, prime, square and cubed numbers.