
Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Class 3
Our class teacher is Mrs Notman.
Other adults in class are Mrs Woffenden.
Miss Grethen Melley

Year 3 teacher

Hearing your child read can be difficult at this age,  but as often as possible, ask your child questions about their reading book, challenge them to predict what will happen next and ask them to summarise what they have read so far. We are aiming for your child to read at home for 15 minutes, 5 times a week.  This will be monitored and discussed with your child each Monday.
Spellings will be issued on a Tuesday then tested on the following Monday.  Handwriting practice sheets will contain the spelling list, and it be sent home to support children with no internet access. The children must also access this list through Spelling frame if they are able. It would be great if they could carry out a practice test and test on spelling frame.
Maths will be issued on TTRS where the children can practice times tables. 
Physical Education
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure that your child arrives in school wearing their school PE kit.  The children should also wear their usual school jumper or cardigan on these days. PE will take place outside and children will be able to wear hats and coats until they have warmed up for this fun, important and compulsory area of school life.
Important dates
Tuesday 6th September - Return to school
Thursday 8th September - Welcome meeting
Tuesday 18th October and Wednesday 19th October - Parents evening
Thursday 20th October - Individual Photographs
Friday 21st October - Last day of term
Tuesday 1st November - Return to school