
Physical Education

On days that they have PE, children should wear their PE kit coming into school and stay in it all day.  PE kit is a plain white t-shirt or their St Joseph's PE top, navy shorts and/or navy tracksuit bottoms/ jogging pants with either plimsolls or trainers. 
PE Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Class 1
Class 3
Class 5
Class 6
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 1
Class 2
Class 5
Class 4
Class 6

PE Curriculum Intent - 2021


Love Jesus, Love Learning, Love Physical Activity


At St Joseph’s our intention is that our children will :

  • Recognise the importance of being physically active for sustained periods of time.

  • Both ‘learn to move’ and ‘move to learn’, with opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop their capacity to excel in a broad range of physical activities.

  • Develop the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact on their own physical health and well-being. . 

  • Know about tactics and strategy within game play. 

  • Be able to engage in competitive and non competitive physical activities as well as being able to lead healthy and active lives.
Physical Education Curriculum Implementation 2021
Physical education is taught twice a week for two hours. We share the teaching responsibility between an external coach and the teachers. Our PE curriculum is designed to show progression in the key areas of physical education, EYFS and Key Stage 1 focus on fundamental movement skills, where key stage 2 focus on developing and applying a broader range of skills. Skills taught are planned progressively ensuring that children have knowledge already embedded to build upon in their current unit. Children are given the opportunity to implement their skills into competitive situations.
When participating in swimming lessons, around 50% of the current Year 6 class were identified as being able to perform a safe self-rescue in the water.