



Autumn 1

 Look out for the weekly newsletter on Class Dojo. 


This half term, our topic is 'A Map of Me' where our main questions are 'Who am I?' and 'Who are you?' We will be focusing on getting to know each other, our environment, school and routines. We will learn songs and rhymes and focus on familiar stories as well as ones about 'ourselves', 'starting school' and 'families'.  The children will have lots of opportunities to learn through play and build new relationships with the adults and children in the class.


In our RWINc sessions the children will be introduced to Fred our frog! We will begin to learn sounds and how we can put these together to read words. Activities such as dough disco will help us to build strong muscles to help us with our writing and mark making. 


In our Maths sessions we will focus on lots of rhymes and songs. We will be exploring and comparing amounts to 5. Towards the end of the half term, 2D and 3D shapes will be our focus.


In our RE sessions we will be exploring the theme of 'Creation'. We will have lots of opportunities to talk about ourselves and why we are special, also those who are special to us. We will learn about how we are part of God's creation and how we can look after the world that God has created.

Autumn 2
Look out for the weekly newsletter on Class Dojo.
This half term our topic focus is 'Light and Dark' where our main question is 'What are you celebrating?' We will be focusing on learning about different celebrations during this time including Diwali and Christmas. We will explore how the seasons are changing and what we notice around us. Storytelling plays a key part in our learning and we will be focusing upon a range of key texts such as 'Room on the Broom' and 'Owl Babies.'
Owl Babies PPT | Teaching Resources
In RWInc we will continue to learn sounds and put these together using Fred talk in order to read and write words.
In our Maths sessions we will focus upon finding one more and one less and number bonds within 5. We will also continue with our exploration of shape.
In RE we will learn all about Christmas and Advent.