St Joseph's Catholic Primary Curriculum 2021
At St. Joseph’s our curriculum strives to teach our children to:
Love Jesus,
Love Learning,
Love Life
By the time children leave St Joseph’s it is our intention that the coherently planned and sequenced curriculum will have enabled them:
to accumulate a rich web of knowledge and vocabulary
to be able to read widely and wisely to build on that base of knowledge
to have an eagerness to learn more and so to succeed in secondary school
to encounter essential experiences that will prepare them for their future successes
They will be able to retain, recall and explain their learning and apply it to become ‘agents of change’ . They will share their witness through Christian values with the knowledge, skills and relationships they need to flourish as human beings; enhance the lives of those around them; and make God’s world a better place.
Parents and visitors to our website can find out more information about our curriculum offer by visiting the individual subject pages. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the school office and they can direct you to the relevant person.
Curriculum Enrichment
Our children are entitled to experiences which support their physical, mental, social and emotional development, as well as prepare them for secondary school and future adult life.
Each unit taught has a 'hook' or ' 12 before 12' experience. Over the course of their 7 years with us they will be exposed to a rich variety of multisensory opportunities in the local area that inspire, enrich and challenge each and every one of our children.
Our Impact
We want the children in the St. Joseph's family to gain in knowledge and skills across all areas of the curriculum, so that they are fully prepared for their next stage in education. We believe that by enhancing their vocabulary, their oracy skills and their external demonstration of the internal grace from God, they will thrive in the next stage of their education and as a result have improved life chances. Our staff continuously adapt their planning in response to the outcomes both within the session and at the end of sessions. As a result children receive the teaching they need so that they learn and retain new concepts, make links to other subjects and have the confidence to articulate their learning to both peers and adults.
Our Learning Opportunities
Every year group learns through a series of topics, designed to build on subject knowledge and skills year on year. All subjects in school are taught discretely, with links from history, geography and science being made to English. The unit covered in the humanities and sciences is the driver behind the reading text, writing stimulus and enrichment opportunities. The curriculum for these subjects and English is written in house and driven by the passion of these subject leaders and their desire to adapt to meet the cultural capital on our doorstep. Maths is delivered by the Power Maths Scheme and enhanced with resources from White Rose and NRICH. Computing, Art and Design Technology are taught through the Kapow curriculum, PE using Cambridge in liaison with the Plymouth Partnership and Phonics using the RWINC scheme. In RE, we follow the Diocesan scheme, Come and See and age-appropriate schemes of work for Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education are delivered through diocesan schemes: Ten Ten and Life to the Full. We have written and chosen our curriculum carefully to ensure that children gain from expert subject leaders, the richness of our local area, knowledgeable teachers and a coherent, progressive, well sequenced curriculum.