
Religious Education

RE Curriculum Intent - 2025



Love Jesus, Love Learning, Love Life


At St Joseph’s our intention is that our children will :

  • Recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God. 

  • Feel respected and feel promoted to develop a capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality. 

  • Receive a coherently planned and sequenced Religious Education curriculum leads our children to aspire not to have more, but to be more. 

  • Enquire and explain the importance of being a witness of Christ

  • Experience church and tradition both in the Catholic Faith 

  • Explain and understanding the beliefs of people and traditions from other faith backgrounds.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from R. E i f they choose to do so.
RE Curriculum Implementation 2025
Following the Catholic Liturgical calendar our Religious Education curriculum is taught through a scheme called RED. The scheme is a series of topics that supports the children on their faith journey as Catholics and deepens both their knowledge and understanding of the bible. 
During the year children also learn about various other faiths including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.
Children are assessed on their theological understanding of the units and encouraged to reflect upon their own spiritual experiences in the light of the teachings of Jesus.
The Big Questions
Each unit opens with a big question. During the unit the children gain knowledge and skills that allow them to answer that question. We build their creativity and enquiry through the unit so that when they come to answer the question they are thinking about 'Why as Christians do we do this/think like this?' 'How does this help us to be better witnesses of Christ?'.