

Computing Intent 2021
Love Jesus, Love learning, Love Life, Love connecting

At St Joseph’s our intention is that our children will :

  • develop life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way.

  • become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies within our ever changing world. 

  • digitally literate and develop creativity, resilience, problem-solving and critical thinking skills through computing science lessons.

  • have a breadth of Computing experience that has developed their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community; members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens in the 21st century.

 Computing Curriculum Implementation 2021
Computing is taught for an hour a week in during 3 half terms. Teachers use selected units from the Kapow Primary scheme of work, this encompasses computer science, information technology and digital literacy. E-safety is taught across the whole school throughout the whole year. Children have the opportunity to apply and embed their computing learning during other curriculum subjects.
Alongside these units and complementing the learning which takes place, orur children also take part in safer internet day.