
Year 1

Welcome to Class 1
Your class teacher is Miss Welsh
Your other adults in class are : Mrs Illing, Mrs McGoldrick and Mrs Dawe 
Miss Welsh

Year 1 Teacher

Physical Education
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please make sure that your child arrives in school wearing their school PE kit.  The children should also wear their usual school jumper or cardigan on these days. PE will take place outside and children will be able to wear hats and coats until they have warmed up for this fun, important and compulsory area of school life.
14.9.23 Year 1 parents welcome meeting 3:00
28.9.23 Flu Vaccinations 
19.10.23 Individual Photos
Home reading 
Pupils should be reading for 15 minutes every night with their school book.
This will either be a fiction or non-fiction book. They will keep this book for 3 days and will be expected to read it each day at home to develop their fluency. Your child will also bring home a book to share and enjoy each week.  Please note that this may well contain words that we wouldn’t expect your child to read independently and has been chosen by your child simply for pleasure. 
Spellings - these will be issued each Tuesday then tested on the following Tuesday. Handwriting practice sheets will contain the spelling list and are to be completed and returned for the Monday morning test.  The school uses 'Spelling Frame' which supports the children's learning and this should be completed each week.
Maths - this will be issued on a Tuesday. This will consist of a sheet of Maths questions to further pupils' understanding of their maths topics.