Welcome to Class 2
Your teacher is Mr Davies.
Other adults are: Mr Rapsey, Miss Woffenden and Mrs McGoldrick.
For this first Spring half term, we will be immersed in learning, creating and performing Free verse poetry. After immersing ourselves in poetry, we will be composing narratives of unfamiliar settings. These narratives will be inspired by our class book of The Day the Rains Fell by Anne Faundez. Our final unit of writing for the first half of Spring Term will be non-fiction writing, in particular, composing letters.
During the first half of Spring Term, we will be exploring our understanding and knowledge of multiplication and division. We will be learning and practising grouping, sharing and making equal groups, including dividing by 5 and 10. After this topic, we will be exploring statistics. This will include learning how to interpret and create pictograms and tally charts. Our final unit of learning in Spring Term 1 is exploring length and height. We will have lots of fun measuring and ordering different units.
Religious Education
Our opening unit 'Local Church' poses the question 'why do we need books?'. We will explore how important books are during Mass and other religious celebrations. Through this topic, we will acquire an understanding of the different books used in Church on Sunday by the parish family. Following on from this unit, we will immerse ourselves in learning about the prayer life and rituals of Islam.